Det flexibla och andningsbara materialet är behagligt att använda i varmt väder. Ventilationen på ryggen och de avtagbara ärmarna ökar komforten. Raglansömmen på ärmen möjliggör ett brett rörelseområde.
Justerbar i midja, ärmslut och ben. Dragsko i kragen. Avtagbara benhällor. Overallen har många fickor med dragkedja. Logotyptryck på låret, ryggen och ärmen. Vindlisten förhindrar att damm och smuts kommer in i dragkedjan.
Since 1918, Veljekset Wahlstén has been the biggest producer and importer of trotting and riding equipment in the Nordic countries. The century-old success story is founded on professional skills and a large range of top-quality horse equipment. The know-how that has developed during the long history has also been recognised around the world, and today Wahlstén’s horse equipment is sold and appreciated all over Europe. Our export account is now about 40% of our net sales. Our goal is to make durable and practical equipment for all those interested in equestrian sports, for both enthusiasts and professionals.
As the level of equestrian sports continues to rise, we have focused primarily on product development and quality. It is important for us that our products represent Finnish crafts and the best quality in the world. Hand-made quality equipment, for both trotting and riding horses, has been sent from Lahti, Finland, all over the world for decades.